Monday, 24 February 2014

Blogging tutorial on Udemy

Hi all,

I have been watching this great little udemy course "How to create websites using Blogger" at the following link:

I've found it really useful so far, some of the stuff I knew already, but it's filling in some blanks for me and everything is very clearly explained - enjoying it so far!

Check it out and let me know if it's been helpful or if you have found something similar/better?



Thursday, 20 February 2014

What's everyone else upto?


So have you done your homework?

How much market research have you done into your blogging today? Do you have an effective routine for checking other blogs? do read blogs right?

If you don't, or don't know what I'm talking about then check the link below.

This really helps to give some perspective on a routine which has helped a pro-blogger to up their game - and made me realise how I need to adapt my routine.

Let me know if you have a routine similar to this - or a different approach?

Enjoy! (link below)



Blog checking routine

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

How to enhance your blog - the crucial ingredients

Have you been wondering where you are going wrong with your blogging? 

Have you given any thought to why yours "isn't like all the "proper" bloggers" sites? 

Or are you just generally wondering if anyone is ever going to read your blog?

Turns out there are a few tricks the pro's use which make sense to try - go on give it a go - see if you get an improvement - like many of these links I share I will try and put them into practice here for you!

I hadn't considered many of the points mentioned here - there are some really useful ideas - I would say make sure you check through all these points before you post!

Have a look and let me know your thoughts...



93% of Bloggers Are Clueless About These Crucial Blog Post Ingredients:

Thursday, 13 February 2014

How to make money from your blog


Here is an inspirational article from a highly successful blogger, Hero Brown - the author of "Muddy Stilletos" which provides sound advice on how to grow your blog and the basic regular habits you need to establish to set it up in the right way.

Hope you find it useful - for me its a wake up call that I have some hard work ahead!

link follows:

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Blog inspiration and ideas


I needed some help with ideas and different ways to approach a blog, and found this amazing list of the world's best blogs!

I'm a sucker for top 10 lists and the like - well this one is a top 100 so it should keep you busy for a while!

Find a subject that interests you - or just try something completely fresh and random and see what the world of blogging has to offer!

What are your favourites on here? - any that aren't listed and you think should be? let me know in the comments! :)

Enjoy :)



Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Blog setup advice

Good morning,

Just thought I would share this link I read over breakfast, lots of thought provoking advice in here. Reading this made me realise I have an awful lot of work to do!

It discusses the importance of going out of your way to get your name out there, and working with other blogs or at the very least taking notes!

As I continue to set this one up I'm going to try and put some of these into practice...

When you've read it let me know your thoughts in the comments.



Revealed: 19 Things to Know Before You Start a Blog in 2014 

How to build an award winning blog


Love this short slideshow with a hand-drawn style - with some great tips and similar points raised to the infographic on one of my earlier posts.

Check it out and let me know your thoughts...

Monday, 10 February 2014

My Flipboard Magazine on Blogging

Check out my collection of articles in my Flipboard magazine: Blogging - How to get started

I will extract some of my fav articles from it and post here for you all to read soon (in case you don't use flipboard or prefer checking them out here)

hope you enjoy and please let me know your thoughts :)

View my Flipboard Magazine.

Useful reading - good starting point

This book's great to start off with, I haven't read it all but it pointed me in the right direction and is really easy to get to grips with. Give it a try! and please let me know what you think! :)

A few more blog hosts comparisons

Some more pros and cons for you to consider... 

Let me know your thoughts ...

Where to blog: WordPress vs Blogger vs Posterous:

Blog hosting platforms comparison

Another useful link which compares three big blogging hosts and lists the pros and cons really well. 

Let me know if you find these useful...

Blog Wars: WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr – Which Platform Rules?

Start by choosing where to host your blog

When I first started I was overwhelmed with options and couldn't make sense of what everything meant. This great article (again from pro blogger) explained it all and set me on the right path. Hope you find it useful!

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Useful beginner link

Here's a fantastic resource from a really useful website called "Pro Blogger". 

Their how to blog article is a great place to start...

First post! useful getting started in blogging link

Nice little infographic which kinda says it all really:

I found this useful when I was researching blogs and I hope to keep referring to it!

Good luck!